10 Essential Questions for Successful KOL Management
Adding value beyond the pill has turned from a nice-to-have into a key requirement in today’s healthcare market. Pharmaceutical companies do not realise the full potential of their customers’ insights and ideas, as customers are only involved at late stage of concept or message development. Executive Insight has developed an approach that helps you truly understand customer needs through collaboration with a variety of stakeholders along the entire patient journey.

What is a Customer deepdive®?
Customer deepdive® is our proprietary, strategic and systematic approach designed to encourage co-innovation of new services and solutions with customers. It allows you to differentiate yourself from the competition by harnessing the imaginative power of your customers to co-create value- added solutions that truly meet market needs.
A Customer deepdive® workshop can be used to generate valuable, meaningful insights for Marketing, Medical, Market Access and Sales professionals.
How does it work?
The Customer deepdive® is a highly interactive workshop, facilitated by neutral experts. The workshop brings together a multidisciplinary group of healthcare stakeholders (such as physicians, nurses, payers and patient organization representatives).
The deepdive® consists of three modules – discovery, vision, and co-innovation – which use different moderation techniques that ensure the discussion penetrates below the surface. Techniques include vision exercises to inspire free-thinking and visualization to drill down into areas of discussion.
The participants ‘co-create’ solutions in collaborative, highly interactive working sessions.
What makes it unique?
- Mixingitup-Havingawidediversityofstakeholdersinvolvedhelpstofacilitategenuinely insightful and fascinating discussion, which can greatly benefit problem solving and solution development
- EverythinginModeration–Ourmoderatorsarecompletelyneutral,independentexperts,who are specialists in the innovative techniques which uncover key insights
- Co-creatingSolutions–Thewholeprocessisveryinclusiveandcollaborativeforthe participants, driving a high sense of ownership and commitment to the solutions and their subsequent implementation
What should be the focus?
A Customer deepdive® can focus on almost any therapy area or aspect of the healthcare environment, but generally speaking, the patient journey is at the heart of it. The patient journey is common ground in the interest of almost any stakeholder.
For example, a payer and a pharmaceutical company may believe they share little in the way of shared objectives, but by examining how and why both parties want to improve the patient journey – through a payer deepdive® – the discussion can lead to shared goals and potential areas of mutual benefit.
What can Customer deepdives® achieve?
The Customer deepdive® has a proven track record of producing tangible and meaningful outcome.
For example, a series of deepdive® workshops across the EU analysed the requirements for improving Type 2 diabetes patient care and outcomes. Around 150 innovative service ideas were identified, with 40 of these prioritized into actionable solutions. An overall EU medical service strategy was clearly defined.
Another pan-European series of deepdive® workshops analysed areas of future focus for the pharmaceutical industry in cardiology and intensive care, resulting in the development of a shared vision based around the utilisation of internet-based channels and the generation of new ideas for future e-services.